
This is a strip of road and blocks where the main business is the nightly kind. Clubs, bars, underground shops, and other business that are best kept in the dark.
Sunlight Strip
This is a strip of road and blocks where the main business is the nightly kind. Clubs, bars, underground shops, and other business that are best kept in the dark.
[Event] Can Vampires Even Taste? (Dec 1, 2019 4:10:32 GMT)
2 threads
2 posts
These homes are in the center of the bustling night life. To make enough room for all the Helliance House, they float into the air, stacked on one another, almost seemingly that one gust of wind would knock them all down. There is plenty of space for everyone in Helliance to live here.
Montreal Floating Apartments
These homes are in the center of the bustling night life. To make enough room for all the Helliance House, they float into the air, stacked on one another, almost seemingly that one gust of wind would knock them all down. There is plenty of space for everyone in Helliance to live here.
Montreal Floating Apartments Info (Oct 29, 2019 20:25:16 GMT)
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Helliance Sanctum

Event Info
created by Renly
1 post 151 views
last post Nov 6, 2019 0:01:28 GMT by Renly
4 total threads
4 total posts
The sanctum is made home for the Vampire Clan Helliance. Here you may tred, but at night make sure you travel in company. Here you can find Sunless Boulevard and Blacktop forest, as well a floating apartments that house the night owls.
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